Small Dry Skin Patch On Nose
Read about home remedies for dry skin and dry skin treatments. Also read how to cure dry skin naturally with proven home remedies.
What Are Discolored Skin Patches.
Irregular areas in which there are changes in skin
color are a common problem with a wide array of potential causes. You may have
changes in the pigmentation of a certain area of your skin due to a difference in
the level of melanin it contains. Melanin is the substance that provides color
to the skin and protects it from the sun.
Not sure what that rash is. Take a picture and send it into an online dermatologist
An infection or inflammatory problem can cause skin
color changes. Also, mottled skin can be caused by changes in blood vessels
under the skin. These changes can be genetic, caused by injury, or simply due
to changes in hormone levels.
How Are Discolored Skin Patches Evaluated.
You should see your doctor if you have any lasting changes in
your skin color. Also see your doctor if you notice a new mole or growth on
your skin, or if an existing mole or growth has changed in size or appearance.
Your doctor will ask you a series of questions about your skin changes and may
order tests to determine why your skin has irregular coloring.
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You may be asked about your normal skin color, when you
first noticed the skin color change, and whether the change happened slowly or
quickly. Is the change getting progressively worse. Where are the patches of
changed skin located. How are they distributed on your body.
Sunburns, other burns, and other skin injuries are also
important to discuss with your doctor. Similarly, it s important to tell him or
her if you are pregnant or taking any hormone treatments. All these factors may
play a role in your skin changes.
Your doctor may want to sample biopsy a small section of
the affected skin to examine under a microscope for the presence of cancerous
cells. Your doctor may also look at your skin under an ultraviolent light
called a Wood s lamp to more closely examine skin color changes, or to check
for the presence of bacteria. Blood tests may be necessary to check for conditions
that cause a change in skin color, such as hemochromatosis a genetic disease
that results in too much iron in the body.
It is important to tell your doctor about any other symptoms
you are experiencing along with patchy skin color.
What Causes Discoloration of Skin.
There are many potential causes of patchy skin color, ranging
from simple to complex.
You can damage your skin with sunburn or another kind of
burn, and the burn may heal with scar tissue that is a different color. You may
have applied sunscreen in an incomplete manner, leading to differently tanned parts
of your skin. Medications can make your skin more sensitive to the sun and more
likely to turn red or burn. Radiation therapy may also cause a kind of burn and
change the color of your skin.
Infections can cause localized changes in skin color. Cuts
and scrapes can develop infections that turn the surrounding skin red or white
and change the texture of the skin. Erythrasma
is a chronic skin infection caused by bacteria that causes pink skin with
brownish flaky patches and wrinkling.
Tinea versicolor and ringworm are infections caused by different
types of fungi. These fungal infections can cause patches of skin to turn
white, pink, tan, or brown and scaly. The patches can occur all over the body,
depending on the exact type of fungus.
Autoimmune Diseases and Allergies
Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus erythematosus and
dermatomyositis, can also cause changes in skin color. Eczema is a type of
hypersensitivity reaction allergy that can cause red, scaly patches that
ooze. Related to eczema, pityriasis alba can cause dry, white patches on the
skin in children.
A wide variety of rashes, such as dermatitis herpetiformis,
contact dermatitis, poison ivy rashes, and others can be caused by an allergic
reaction. Scleroderma can create thick, shiny patches of skin. Vitiligo is a
condition in which cells that produce melanin are attacked by the immune system,
leaving behind patches of skin with no color at all.
Hormonal Changes
Hormonal changes, especially during pregnancy, can cause
skin color changes. Melasma, or chloasma, can cause dark patches on the face,
often called the mask of pregnancy.
Birthmarks are also a cause of skin color changes. Café-au-lait
spots are light-colored spots on the skin. A few café-au-lait spots are
perfectly normal, but more than six may be an indicator of neurofibromatosis a
genetic disorder that negatively affects the growth and formation of nerve
Moles are brown spots that can appear on the skin at birth.
Changes in the size or shape of these spots can signal trouble, and should be
checked by your doctor.
Mongolian blue spots are bluish patches that can appear on
the backs of babies and young children, usually of Asian descent. They are
harmless and often fade over time.
Port-wine stains are a type of birthmark caused by swollen
blood vessels. They are usually flat and appear pink or red in color.
Skin Cancer
Cancer can change skin color or texture, and any moles or other
rapidly changing skin lesions should be examined by a doctor.
What Is the Long-Term Outlook for Discolored Skin Patches.
Many skin changes are harmless. Some, such as a small
infection, require only simple treatment. Other causes may be more severe and
require ongoing treatment. Skin cancer is very serious and may require surgery
and chemotherapy to treat. It is important to check with your doctor if you notice
rapid or bothersome texture or color changes in your skin.
Useful contacts for Dry, flaky skin. Click to see all the contacts that you may find useful in relation to dry flaky skin.
Feb 23, 2015 - An actinic keratosis is a small, rough spot occurring on skin that has been AKs are small, red, rough, scaly, flat spots that feel like dry skin patches. They often occur on sun-exposed areas, such as the nose, ears, face.
Skin biopsy is a biopsy technique in which a skin lesion is removed to be sent to a pathologist to render a microscopic diagnosis. It is usually done under local.
Aug 16, 2013 - Patches of dry skin on the nose may vanish if they re exfoliated and Actinic keratoses might be as small as the tip of a pen or as large as a.
Hi, i have a dry patch on the top of my lip. it started off about 2 months ago as a small discolored dot, then progressed into a darker patch bigger patch 1cm wide.
What's Wrong With My Skin? 38 Causes of Discolored Skin Patches
Cause. Normally, a callus will form on any part of the skin exposed to friction over a long period of time. For example, people often develop calluses on the middle.
I have no idea what is going on with my face and I desperatly need help. For the past week there has been a patch of red, dry skin under my eye, on my upper cheek.